Mountain Brook Village Traffic
Traffic builds up at the Montevallo Road-Cahaba Road intersection in Mountain Brook Vlllage.
Traffic improvements are one step closer to starting throughout Mountain Brook. The city has selected nine intersections for future improvements using a federal APPLE grant following a period of public comment and a public involvement meeting.
The council received recommendations from Sain Associates regarding the intersections at its Feb. 23 meeting. Sain had reviewed public comment and discussed the matter with city staff before finalizing its list of recommendations.
Intersections recommended for the APPLE study in order of importance, with the scope of their future study, are:
- Montevallo Road at Church Street/Montrose Road- evaluate widening and non-widening solution
- Montevallo Road at Overbrook Road- evaluate widening and non-widening solution
- Cahaba Road at 21st Avenue South and Fairway Drive (two intersections)- evaluate treatments for Little Hardware driveway and left turn phasing
- Mountain Brook Parkway at Overbrook Road/Pine Ridge Road- evaluate for proper signal timing and phasing and investigate possible widening solutions
- Brookwood Road at Crosshill Road (two intersections)- develop traffic control regulations
- Montevallo Road at Norman Drive/Country Club Boulevard- evaluate for proper signal trimming and phasing and investigate possible widening solutions
- Old Leeds Road at Pine Ridge Road- review signal timing
- South Brookwood Road at Overton Road-review signal timing
- Oakdale Road at Oakdale Drive-review signs and marking at intersection
The last four intersections do not require detailed studies unlike the first five, Caudle said.
Sain also offered comment on these intersection although they did not recommend them for study as a part of this grant:
- Montevallo Road at Euclid Road/Leach Drive- Part of this intersection is in Birmingham, so Sain recommends discussion at joint project with the city of Birmingham.
- Country Club Road at Salisbury Road- Complaints were more about cut through traffic than about the intersection.
- Country Club Road at Ridge Drive- Complaints were more about cut through traffic than about the intersection.
Other intersections that Sain received comments about but that they are not suggesting for study are:
- Old Leeds Road at Cherokee Road
- Montevallo Road at Overhill Road
- U.S. 280 at Mountain Brook Center
- Old Leeds Road at Beechwood Road
- South Brookwood Road at Woodridge Road
- Church Street at West Jackson Boulevard
- Cahaba Road at Montevallo Road
- Cahaba Road at Lane Parke Road
- Cherokee Road at U.S. 280
- Old Leeds Road at Stone River Road