Photo by Jeff Thompson.
1212 Cherokee Road 280 Intersection
Alabama Department of Transportation has proposed altering the traffic signal at Cherokee Road and Highway 280.
The Mountain Brook City Council met with Governor Robert Bentley Thursday morning, March 14 regarding modifications to the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) plan for the Cherokee Road and Hampton Inn intersections on U.S. 280. The Governor’s Chief of Staff David Perry and ALDOT Director John Cooper were also present.
The Council presented its case for providing signalized left turns out of both intersections, reiterating a resolution the Council passed earlier.
“The governor was very attentive to the points we made regarding safety, for not only our residents, but for those travelling the 280 corridor,” a release from the council stated.
However, the governor concluded that he has decided to support the ALDOT plan and deny the Council’s request for modifications.
“The governor said that ALDOT’s plan was well thought out and thoroughly analyzed, and that even though he was going to go along with (ALDOT's proposal), he was open to reconsidering those intersections if they proved unworkable after implementation,” the release said.