CES student council
The officers for this school year are, from left: Lillie Wright, president; Alexa Robinson, vice president; Richard Monk, secretary; and Alden Johnson, publicity chair.
The newest Crestline Cougar Student Council representatives have been selected for the 2015-16 school year.
Students who were interested in serving on the Student Council filled out an application. The selection committee read more than 100 applications this year and selected 46 of those to be interviewed.
From the interview process, one student per classroom was selected to represent their class for a total of 17 representatives in all.
Sixth-grade student representatives had the option to run a weeklong campaign for the job of president. They put up posters and wrote and presented a speech to the fourth-, fifth- and sixth-grade students who then voted for a candidate. Once the votes were tallied, the runner-up was assigned the job of vice president. The other offices of secretary and publicity chairperson were voted on by only the student council representatives.
Crestline’s Student Council will promote our “Crestline Cougars High Five” schoolwide campaign and will deliver donated items three times this school year to our adopted school, Brookville Elementary.
- Submitted by Bonnie Lorino