CES state bowl
The Future Problem Solvers at Crestline Elementary are really good problem solvers, creative skit writers, and performers, according to the judges at a recent FPS State Bowl held at Auburn University at Montgomery. Three teams from Crestline competed with others in Montgomery and won first, second and third places in the Junior Division Booklet competition as well as first and second place in the Presentation of Action Plan competition. Students studied Trade Barriers, learned the Six Step Problem Solving Process, completed an 11-page booklet outlining problems, developing an underlying problem, creating solutions, evaluating solutions and writing an action plan. Additionally, they created and performed a skit to “sell” their Action Plan.
First Place in Booklet and Presentation went to the team of Annabel Davis, William Hereford and William Wann. Second place rank in Booklet and Presentation of Action Plan went to Edward Cain, Claire Kimberlin and Anna Belle Rooney. Third place in the Booklet competition was presented to Max Adams, Braden Allemand and Anna Elizabeth Byrne. The first place team has been invited to the International Competition at Indiana University with students from Australia, Canada, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Portugal, Russia, Singapore and the United States. Future Problem Solvers is an International program founded by E. Paul Torrance that stimulates critical and creative thinking skills while encouraging students to develop a vision for the future.