Photo courtesy of Mountain Brook Schools.
Brook Gibbons, Assistant Principal of Curriculumand Instruction at Mountain Brook Junior High, holds her sign showing she ran 1,090 yards five times.
Mountain Brook Junior High School held a Socially Distanced Choose-A-Race from April 17-21.
Participating students and faculty members each completed an exercise activity.
They also took photos of themselves holding signs showing the distance they covered and the people for whom they covered it.
Many of the 100-plus participants dedicated their activity to the health care workers combating COVID-19.
“We’re so active and we’re so service-oriented as a community,” MBJH Principal Donald Clayton said. “It was like, ‘Well, why would we just do this for ourselves? Let’s do this and honor other people.’”
Participants could choose to share their mileage total from one day or multiple days within the event time window. Many people walked and ran, while others biked and paddled.
Upon completion, they submitted their photos to the school via a Google Form. Clayton then compiled all of the submissions and created a video.
“Right now the need is for our students to feel connected to our school, like the actual building, the actual place, and to not forget that they’re a part of something, because it’s easy to do that when you’re stuck in your house,” he said.
Submitted by Mountain Brook Schools.