MBE Boosterthon
Ellie Ingram, Mary Cooper, Madeline Mitchell, Ann Hollis Burson, Olivia Burgess, Ava Bailey, Elizabeth Kohn, Frances Vandevelde, Lawsie Jolly, Greer Golden and Ellie Shelfer. Photo by Lauren Burgess.
“Rock’n Town Live” was the theme of the 2014 Boosterthon fundraiser held recently at Mountain Brook Elementary. In addition to teaching fitness and character, the program allows students to raise money for the school by receiving pledges for laps run on two courses decorated with cones and flags on the school’s field.
MBE students first attended a pep rally and decorated their homeroom classroom door to motivate them to obtain pledges. Added incentives this year included a promise by Principal Belinda Treadwell to kiss a pig and another for a squad of top fundraisers in each grade to slime Coach Matt Cain if MBE reached its goal.
Additionally, fifth- and sixth-grade students were treated to a lawn party with the Boosterthon team complete with prizes and treats from an ice cream truck. The older students were also the first to learn that MBE decided to get colorful this year at Boosterthon by incorporating a Color Run.
Boosterthon raised a record setting amount, and the event was a success.