MBE-girl scouts
Front row: Abby Fowler, Sarah Frances Walker, Mary Patton Hand. Back row: Isabel Swoger, Lillian Fowler, Laurel Hand, Cami Fowler.
March 12, 2012 marks the 100th year of Girl Scouts. Mountain Brook girls have enjoyed participation in this organization through the years.
Catherine Fowler is a parent leader for the troops in the Mountain Brook Service Unit, which consists of 23 troops in the Mountain Brook school system, Highlands Day School, and St. Francis. This service unit reports to the Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama council (GSNCA).
Troop 524, made of eight Cadettes from Mountain Brook Elementary and Crestline Elementary School, was recently awarded the Bronze Award for their efforts to renovate the scout house in Crestline. They are currently working on a project concerning fresh air as well as planning a program that will take the scout experience to less fortunate kids.
Troop 151, made of sixteen Brownies from MBE and Crestline, enjoy attending a local Girl Scout camp and helping out at a local food bank. They are currently working on a water conservation project and making plans to go hiking in several of our state parks.
Troop 327 has eighteen Daisies from MBE and Crestline. This enthusiastic group just finished earning all of their petals (each one represents one part of the Girl Scout law). The girls are anxious to get to work on their first cookie sale.
This year, the Girl Scouts are offering eight varieties: the five “classics” (Thin Mints, Samoas, Tagalongs, Do-si-dos, and Trefoils) and three newer ones (Dulce de Leche, Thank U Berry Munch, and the 2012 100th Anniversary cookie, Savannah Smiles). At a recent cookie tasting, our local girls deemed the anniversary cookie, Savannah Smiles, lemony and crisp! Each box of cookies is priced at $3.50.
If you missed pre-ordering Girl Scout Cookies this year, support our local scout troops at their annual booth sales at Western Supermarket and Piggly Wiggly from Feb. 10-12. Proceeds from cookie sales fund field-trip-style activities and community service projects. Details on those specifics will be posted at booth sales locations.
Catherine Fowler said that they are also excited about the Cookie Locator application that’s available for smartphones. If eager customers have trouble finding cookies near them, they can download for free the Girl Scout Cookie Locator App for iPhone or Android. The app tells customers when and where sales will take place in their area, and map them to the location.
Through the Girl Scout Cookie Sale Program girls manage inventory, set goals, learn money management and develop their own personal leadership style. Essentially, the girls run their own business. The entire troop sets a goal and creates an action plan leading toward that goal. The Girl Scouts also send Gift of Caring boxes to the troops overseas and donate all overages to shelters and/or food stations.